No longer of the same but more of myself.
Keeping the balance between self expression and the trend? What is going on ?
In times where everything is accessible within a click and fast fashion is still remains the best actual model.
There is an apparent self expression rising among community of people.
No longer of the same but more of myself. This seems to be the new statement.
Since the industrial revolution made it easier to produce textiles, the fashion industry could blossom and evolve. Now, self-expression is really one of the attribute that clothing, style and fashion can give you.
It seems more and more people are leaning towards an identifiable style of their own.
Of course, the trend is always there and always will be. However, it is undeniable that a large amount of communities who are seeking for a unique look.
So trend or unique look ?
Behind the polish and sophisticated style of the social media it is a fact that the communities are more attracted by finding a unique voice of their own.
Whether of not you listen to the Beatles you will want the graphic shirt because it express what you would like to wear.
Rock and retro music is not really what you listen to on a daily basis however you would like to still associate with those style classics, mis matching it with a unique satin high rise pants or a high rise boyfriend jean is however the top that you choose to wear when you go out.
It seems like being the head of the masses or In the masses is not anymore what you would like to have. However, developing a style though a match of things that appears to have no real coordination.
In fact, wearing a dior with an H&M express the individual.
Probably yes! In fact the conversation is about what you would like to wear !
Is it due to the new millennial phenomenon that we categorize as hipster ? Indeed, being a hipster as
they say is being ahead of the curve and outside of the cultural mainstream. However, it sounds like the cultural mainstream has now moved to the individual mainstream. Here lies the new conflict that seems to take place when you observe real street style and what people wear.
On google add words the most type in search is vintage dresses more than athletic wear for example or graphic T-shirt or office apparel...
The thing that comes with vintage is also the uniqueness of that the product offers.

Or in the case of the Paul McCartney T-Shirt it is a music Classic with a graphic that is not old enough to be pure vintage but to old to be in the market of fast fashion.
The graphic is a sophisticated way to communicate an assimilation of something that you like or you associate with. Does that mean that you associate with rock and roll when you are listening pretty much everything? No but it means that you associate with a cultural classic as well as
your individuality expressing themselves though cultural references that are not easy to find or too mainstream.
The google ad word does not seems to lie when you observe regular people out in the street the graphic tee-shirt the jeans or the one of the kind in certain community are coming back out in force. It certainly shows that people are not yet to let go a certain notion of a past. As well as it has became mainstream to be more of yourself and sound to be a voice of your own.
What is next how do we balance it off?
Post scriptum: Let in the comment bellow how do you express your individuality though fashion?
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