Everything is about pearls this season,pearl this precious rarity always appropriate since to fix itself on oysters as well as all bags and shoes of the 2017-2018 accessories. There is never such a thing as coincidences

How did a classic came back as trend? How did all the sizes and positions are adopting it? How did the market allowed a new mass production of fake and real pearls ? What made such a popular enjoyment for the pearls? Why do we assume that all of the pearls are real meanwhile 99% of them are fake?
If we really want to think on that trend, we first have to get to the story of pearls. It has its own legend and carry its own meaning. Pearls are a classic because of human history first. Then invaded or reflected into the pop culture. Officially the sign of wealth and purity in all human civilizations and times. Pearls were found in sarcophagus in Persia since the oldest time gold and pearls are signs of wealth. Julius Cesars made a treaty to limit the access in pearls. He limited how much we could wear them. Whereas, in Chinese dynasty it was a sign of wealth and purity that the royalty could wear them. We found also a that in the Persian Golf the abundance of pearls made it culturally popular. Indeed the amount of oyster in the death sea made the pearls in the Persian Gulf and pearl where the center of the pearl trade and it was the source of wealth as much as we do value oil today. So for the first time in the history we have a common sign of wealth on the known territories were pearls, gold and salt are valued and then latter oiled arrived as a common human currency. (Yes salt was the first human currency that there is in the human civilizations).
So what did gave pearls rarity ? For that we have to watch how pearls are made. A classic is often made by a rare need or by a timeless product. All of those histories and representation enabled the pearl to be considered as a classic over the time and human period. Pearls carries their legend and settled an idea of precious rarity due to their history.

At first, they were hunted by end and many people lost their lives. Their found themselves in culture of oyster were some areas would have more and some area would Have less. Culturally it makes no doubt that they would develop a legend from there. In the Persian Gulf the seas were so abundant in pearls that some legends were born there that could help the item to become popular and known.

Pearls over the years became a cultivable forms. We are not gonna let wealth out of human control or signs of wealth out of human control.
In order to analyze the trend of pearl it is really important to first underline the fact that for decades pearls were a fashion classic for first ladies, queens and princesses. However we can really say that the one that wore pearls are a set that women was Chanel she really started and created a classic for fake pearl. It is impossible to talk about about pearls in fashion without mentioning the name Chanel. For decades this couture house played and created style after style, set after set of pearls. It became one of the codes of Gabrielle Chanel. This most certainly kept the pearl to reinvent itself over the decades and other fashion houses played with pearls has much as the house of Chanel. Well she is the one that stated among other popular and unpopular things that she wanted “a rope” out of pearls.
Everyone knows how she could change the fashion with her introduction of codes that were revolutionary for the time. After many searches people focuses on announcing that the pearls are going on and on like vogue but what is interesting to notice is that Coco Chanel was the first one to exaggerate those “rope of pearls.” As she said “ A woman needs to be rope in a rope of pearls.”
It is the first time that the fake is being exaggerated. The plastic comes to a high price just for fashion. It came under all forms shapes and design sitting the one next to the other. To dress again the woman even more.
The fact that for the first time a house turned it into a codes could allow the infinite reinvention of the pearls at all times.
All sizes are possible.All amounts are now possible. We are not into the small earring or the queen and kings set over ample puffy dress.
For the first time it changes into multiple size fake pearls. The Morden woman or and mass production society have been unconsciously predicted . What is now being considered the premise of the classical modernity.
Plastic pearls that we visually assume and take for pearls are entering in the fashion. Fake or real, it is just the form of it seem to really make the buyer enthusiast as well as the designer and play on the form of it. If we take for example the bag or the Chanel 2014the Minaudière a bag . This bag is a bag in form of pearl. The small Good Gone Bad Video Showcase it briefly. This is the sign that the pearl have entered into the pop culture. Even bags are created for it. They turned its allusion into a realistic product.
It is interesting that during my searches nobody as seem to notice that the apparition of the pearls in the runway since 2014 to 2017 correlate with an interesting sociological facts. This must give me a justification to write this extremely nerdy article. Indeed, most of the pearls are now being cultures and farmed like the majority of any consumable things in this planet.
Chanel and other social codes and classics have pushed the pearl to its extreme and introduced the first drape of fake pearls in the world of design. A true precursor of culture. The house did played with this code. However, there is an undeniable fact that the pearls since 2014 keeps showing itself over and over in on runways. When is It going to hit fast fashion? Like sometimes like now with Aldo Shoes. Or Gucci in the fall 2017, and its cruise 2018, to the Kate Spade show to end up of Carolina Herrera Sneakers. Accessories seems to have adopted the pearl all over them.
To understand this rapid growth it seems that as we said before pearls are being cultivated. This originated from Japan as said earlier, however the Chinese market did pearl farming. 99% of the pearls that are being sold. Cultivating pearls allows a predictable growth of the pearls in the culture. The nucleus is posed and can farm and grow inside of the pearl according to factsanddetail.com.
A natural uncultivated pearl still cost 4000$ dollars compared to the cultivated shell that give a perfect round that sell for $75 to $100 dollars. This is part of Japan History and they still holds the historical organic farm. However most of the site from wikipedia to facts and details shows that the leader of the sales are still Chinese production according to the sites, 1500 or 1600 tons of pearls per years. That leads to a mass consumptions market of it. The more the market demands it the more is being indeed cultivated. The “Times Online indicated that in 2007 "China produced 1,600 tonnes of pearls..., more than 95 per cent of world production.” This would explain why from the cross of 10 years the pearls became part of our quotidian landscape.
The pearls had to get out of this massive production. Reshaping and reinventing it’s form to come and fix itself not so much from the oyster to our ears but to our shoes and bag as well.
When you think about it, it really does make sense. This object so cherished and yet so commonly accepted that we almost forget about it has shaped our landscape. Who does not posses Pearls under any form even fake. Everyone has a story with it. This mass production seem to me the starting point to this present facing trend. Indeed, a Tiffany sells oval freshwater pearl bracelets for $250 and necklaces for $375.
What is popular is not necessarily good. Popular originally comes from the word Popularis in Latin that means belonging to the people. Popular is not necessarily good or bad. It just means that it is being praised by a massive amount of population. So how did an object became so popular to found it s way into a majority of fashion run way in 2017 and normally into ready to wear some time here and there. It is because its a cultural classic, a common trait of the human culture. Also it sound that the reality is far from the runway.
It seems that it is due to the amount of tons being produced. Nobody wants what nobody wants and everybody wants what everybody. wants. Therefore the trend is born. If everybody wants it! The trend is born.
Indeed fake or real we just assume unconsciously that the pearls are real. Is the Gucci Pearls in the cruise are real? I cannot find from my whole searches. Those shoes pearl are real or fake? Having real pearl at your feet or instead of teeth its is really pretty much equivalent. Lets all dream and say that we can carry real pearl at our feet.
Factually, we can just assume that there are fake pearls due to the price of the Gucci Per of 1,100 but the stylish and beautiful design made it appropriate.
The facts of seeing pearls everywhere helped us to reinvent this classic. Does that makes sense in human behavior pattern?
By seeing an object so often that we all have a story with pearls that can resonate within us . We have to reinvent it and re-appropriate the style over and over again.
The art as well became popular, among the massive amount of. Portrait of Woman in Ropes of pearls the Veermer painting won it own legend with the simple earring. What was once for an Elite of collectors is now for all to be seen and have. The girl with an earring is also an apology to the pearls. This little round and shaped precious object slips itself everywhere across the centuries and in the human culture.
In every ears breaking the gender barrier to our shoes without even you noticing it. You fabricate stories with it, you flatter your beauty with it …
As Said Jackie Kennedy “pearls are always appropriate”, there are always here when you need them. Pearls real or fake ones are in your closet and will never ceased to exist across our history. They transport their own story and each one of us carry a special meaning that we gave to it. This simple “nature freak” is everywhere. Around your neck or roped around you if you choose to follow a classic of fashion. Ready to make your history! We do get a huge enjoyment by understanding phenomenon around us.
The Silk Road never ended it might have bring us to the Silicon Valley today but we still posses it. It is still open and we can see it by tracking the numbers.Clearly it is one of the most exported item.
From Veermer to Sneakers, it is traveling and reinventing itself. The massive production and it price explain the mass production and the expansion of this item.
Its history that resonates within everyone spirit. It is understandable and it would be idiot to not use it and reinvent it in the first place. This little object can slips into everything and disguised its fakes with no offense whatsoever. Chanel clearly played an historical major role into making fakes pearls being totally acceptable.
It is so ealisly manipulable that we start playing with it. You can Play with Dimond but the Dimond does not carry the same delight that the pearls bring. It s valuable meaning makes it harder to play with it as we do with the pearl. A fake Dimond are in fact not as accepted as the pearl. An ambassador of luxury Like Ch Gabrielle Chanel herself made iconic fake pearls. Coco Chanel stated “It’s disgusting to walk around with millions dollars around the neck because one happens to be rich. I only like fake jewelry….because it’s provocative”. That certainly helped to spread the reinvention of the fake pearls all over and made it acceptable for the masses.

It is a successful reinvention and rethinking of the item. That has became so popular that even the fakes are being totally accepted.
To conclude on the pearl journey. I wanted to mark it with my own personal resonance of pearls. Both of my grand mother had a huge impact in my life as a person and I feel like they never have leaved me. It might be personal but isn’t it better to sound awkward and share your story rather than not saying anything ? They had a major impact on me as a person. My grand mother gave me a heart made out of real pearls when I was 9 years old. I could not really understand the present but I felt like an equal. I was the equal in the world of the adult. I still have the heart made out of pearl that I am too scared actually to carry around, by fear of loosing it. I will never forget the time and how she gave it to me. As a child it was really a huge sign for me, like a signal that I did not belong to where I was but that did forced me to behave and feel like an adult. That I will never forget this emotional gesture. I hope you enjoyed this article and its visual, I do have an ongoing synesthesia. Tell us your own resonance to pearls we would be really glad to hear from it.
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